Research project: Computational prediction of non-canonical neoantigens in colorectal cancer
(co-supervisor: Zlatko Trajanoski, Medical University of Innsbruck)
Research project: Benchmarking of cell-type deconvolution methods for nonhuman bulk transcriptomics
(co-supervisor: Frank Edenhofer, University of Innsbruck)
Research project: Optimizing speed and scalability of immune cell clonotype clustering for large-scale datasets
(co-supervisor: Antonio Rodríguez-Sánchez, University of Innsbruck)
Maria Zopoglou:
Computational analysis of single-cell RNA sequencing data to quantify dynamic changes in cancer cell
regulatory networks during treatment
(Master's student)
Bernhard Eder:
Hierarchical deconvolution of bulk transcriptomics
(Master's student; cco-supervisor: Philipp Zech, University of Innsbruck)
Christina Schwaiger:
Prediction and zero correction of gene expression measurements for spatial transcriptomics
(Master's student; co-supervisor: Antonio Rodríguez-Sánchez, University of Innsbruck)
Luc Wirion:
A consensus approach to cell-type deconvolution of bulk transcriptomics informed by multiple single-cell atlases
(Bachelor's student)
Mario Kanetscheider:
Implementation of a Python-based pipeline for the analysis of single-cell B-cell receptor
(Bachelor's student; co-supervisor: Mira Mutschlechner, MCI)
Franziska Chiara Hörburger:
Computational analysis of spatial transcriptomics data to investigate cell-cell colocalization patterns in the tumor microenvironment
(Master's student; co-supervisor: Frank Edenhofer, University of Innsbruck)
Tobias Ganzenhuber:
Improving sequence clustering scalability for adaptive immune cell repertoire analysis
(Bachelor's student; co-supervisor: Antonio Rodríguez-Sánchez, University of Innsbruck)
Maria Clara Staropoli:
Prediction of drug response from tumor RNA sequencing data
(Erasmus student; co-supervisor: Chiara Romualdi, University of Padova, Italy)
Arianna Zuanazzi:
Curation of a single-cell RNA-sequencing atlas of breast cancer
(Erasmus student; co-supervisor: Barbara Di Camillo, University of Padova, Italy)
Manuel Fiegl:
Molecular genetic role of innate system mediated TLR3 signalling in zebrafish cardiac regeneration and proliferation
(Master's student; co-supervisor: Dirk Meyer, University of Innsbruck)
Max de Rooij:
Mathematical modelling of T cell phenotype polarization
(Master's student; co-supervisor: Federica Eduati, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands)
Silvia Cremon:
Computational deconvolution of tumor cellular composition from spatial transcriptomics data
(Master's student; co-supervisor: Enrico Lavezzo, University of Padova, Italy)